

2017年,基於魔耳的智能逆向建模技術(非線性響應,簡稱“ NR”)打造的數字迷你前級(MICRO PREAMP)系列一經上市,便憑其很高的音色還原度,迷你的尺寸迅速征服 了,在眾多用戶對我們“ NR”技術下採集的前級音色的認可下,我們打造出了具有專業形態的多通道數字 前級效果器——PREAMP LIVE PREAMP LIVE專業落地前級效果器共有四個踩釘,可支持加載三組共十二個可獨立保存,編輯的高品質前級通道,並在每個獨立的前級通道中,帶有可前後 當然,作為一種為職業樂手打造的產品,PREAMP LIVE還有豐富的功能性接口,如可記憶開關的迴路接口( EFFECT LOOP),可獨立開關並支持加載IR箱模的6.5”輸出以及卡儂輸出,以及MIDI輸入,輸出/ THRU口等等,幫助專業級用戶豐富其應用場景。 除此之外,PREAMP LIVE還有魔耳專利的“ TONE CAPTURE”(智能聽感捕獲技術)功能,支持用戶通過PREAMP LIVE自帶的前級音色對真實音箱前級進行匹配採集,得到適合自己的 前級音色。 當然,PREAMP LIVE不僅僅擁有強大的功能,它的操作邏輯很簡單,加上可支持電腦,手機端的上位機編輯功能,“簡單”,“好用”是我們設計的PREAMP LIVE的初衷。 ,讓你告別演出場地的束縛吧! Product Description PREAMP LIVE has been designed from the ground up to be the ultimate digital preamp modeller for use in a live situation. Every control feature has been carefully thought out to be intuitive and provide the best experience for live performance. PREAMP LIVE provides a wide array of different amp tones right at your feet. It lets you select and carry 12 independent preamp channels of your choice, from a selection of 50 models available within the supporting software and mobile apps. Added to each of the 12 preamp channels is a dual position booster, adjustable pre and post noise gates, a fully programmable effects loop with different modes, full channel switching control, MIDI IN and OUT, dedicated headphone connection, multiple outputs with optional cab simulation and IR loading capabilities. Ever wanted to get UK overdrive from your F style amp? Or sparkling, spanky cleans from your M style amp? The effects loop in PREAMP LIVE has a unique A/B mode which lets you use your amplifiers analogue preamp along with the digital models. This effectively expands the tonal palette of your amplifier without the need for an expensive, complicated switching device. If that wasn’t enough, you can also use MOOER’s “TONE CAPTURE” feature to sample your own amplifiers preamp section and create brand new digital models of your own to use at gigs and share with your friends.
