RotoSound - SM666 不鏽鋼弦 【英國製🇬🇧】



英國Rotosound琴弦,作爲世界的手工制弦世家,Rotosound秉承“打造世界上的琴弦”的宗旨,在世界各地有着無數的追隨者,其中包括Yes、Iron Maiden、Cradle Of Filth、Pink Floyd等超樂隊的使用,更是擁有包括Jimi Hendrix、John Entwistle(The Who)、John Paul Jones(Led Zeppelin)、Duff Mckagan(Guns n'roses、Velvet Revolver)、Steve Harris(Ironmaiden)這樣藝人的一致推崇。 1958年英格蘭人James How,用由他自主發明的堪稱經典的半自動制弦機,製造Rotosound琴弦。53年後的今天,這個曾經讓無數人感動的英國老牌琴絃依然在續寫着它不滅的輝煌。 系 列:Roto Bass SM666 型 號:SM666 弦 徑:30/40/60/80/100/125 主材質:Stainless Steel 產 地:英國UK Rotosound SM666 Swing Bass 66 Stainless Steel 6 String Bass Guitar Strings (30 40 60 80 100 125) Long scale SWING BASS 66 6-STRING HYBRID | 30-125 LONG SCALE 810mm – 860mm | 32″ – 34″ This is the roundwound string that James How and John Entwistle perfected into what was to become the industry standard. The bright, punchy, high-energy sound of Swing Bass 66 strings is a major part of early rock music history and brought the bass player from the back line to the front of the stage.

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